
Our First Post

Hi everyone! We’re Taylex Travels – a pharmacist couple working full-time with a love for traveling. This is the start of what I hope will become a space to share and discuss how to travel while maintaining a 9-5.

What you can expect

Due to our jobs, we don’t have the luxury of taking a lot of big vacations. I understand that some places need 3-4 weeks (or even more) to fully explore, such as any international trip, but we also understand that that doesn’t fit everyone’s lifestyle including ours.

Instead, we focus on shorter trips – day trips, weekend getaways, local experiences, and strategically planned shorter vacations (~ 1 week). Every 1-2 years we also try and make a big international trip. Our travel also only accounts for two of us – no kids (yet) or other relatives which might impact the schedule or duration of your trip.

We also don’t believe that you should ever be paying 100% for your travel. There are lot of resources online, may of which are free, that you can use in order to save money on travel. The biggest contributor for us has been the lucrative use of credit card points and rewards – so much so that I have an entire page that will be filled with dedicated posts and reviews about these cards. Other areas of focus will be award travel, discount sites, loyalty programs, and other travel hacks.

I also think it’s helpful to know what products do or don’t work for people while traveling. So as much as possible we plan to share that with our readers.

Let us know what you think

We want to produce content that’s useful for you. If you have any feedback or want our input on a topic please feel free to contact us. We appreciate those of you that took the time to read through our first post and hope that we welcome you back for many more.